Remix to Ignition: #savedchew

Some great news from Chew HQ

Wil Benton
3 min readJul 4, 2017

It’s hard to believe it’s been three months (to the day) since I shared the last update with you here on the Chew blog. But that doesn’t mean things haven’t been happening. In fact, everything’s happened. Everything and more… 🤔

But before I share where we are, I think it’s worth taking a little time to look back at what’s happened since we launched Chew during our time on the Ignite accelerator back in 2015.

Today, we’re a community of 380,000+ users 📈. People in almost every country in the world have shared a musical experience on our platform — and the numbers backing that up aren’t small either! Since launch, our audience has collectively consumed over 500,000 hours of content on Chew. Our creators have shared over 120,000 hours in the same timeframe, too.

Did you know The Beatles had seventeen number-one singles in the 1960s?

To put that in perspective, 500,000 hours ago the 1960s were just getting started.

That’s pretty amazing when you think about it.

We’ve done a tonne of incredible work, as a community, as a team, and as individuals.

So what’s been going on since the #savechew campaign successfully raised over £12,000 in donations?

Well, today (which is two days short of our 3.5th birthday), I’m delighted to announce that Chew’s future has been guaranteed.

What does that mean? I’m not in a position to share the details just yet — but, put simply, we’re safe again. Chew has been saved. We got to the edge of the abyss, stared down into the darkness, and collectively decided it wasn’t time to fall in 🕺

Nothing makes me happier than knowing that we are able to continue supporting our community of DJs, producers, fans and — most importantly — friends around the world. Our users’ channels, content portfolios, fanbases and financial backing on are safe and will continue to be so. There is an incredibly strong team forming around the Chew community, with my continued support. From a technical point of view, the blockers to platform development will be removed very, very soon (and yes, we’re going to get started on the bug list 🐛 in the very near future)!

I’m delighted to share with you that the vibrant community that’s congregated on and around Chew over the last ~3 years is going to continue to have access to the best technology and support. This will allow them to share their art with the world, as we dreamed of enabling when we started working on Chew back in 2014.

The mixup that just keeps on gifing

We’ll be sharing more detail in the coming weeks but, for now, let’s get the party started. I’ll see you in the mix!

Big ❤,
Wil & the Chew community



Wil Benton

Cofounder & Director, Metta — supporting startups, industry & governments with sustainable technology-driven innovation.